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Boricua: T-Shirt
$ 35.00
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What is being Puerto Rican? ”To be Puerto Rican is to stay on the beach because the rain goes away in five minutes, to dance with the broom when you clean the house, to know just when the witches are getting married, taking three pounds of Sobao bread with you on the plane, and distinguishing between dumplings and cupcakes.” This definition was created by our social media audience. By purchasing this shirt, you'll help us provide accessible journalism workshops for communities in Puerto Rico.
SMLXL2XL3XL4XL5XLWidth, IN18.0020.0022.0024.0026.0028.0030.0032.00Length, IN28.0029.0030.0031.0032.0033.0034.0035.00Sleeve length (from center back), in15.1016.5018.0019.5021.0022.4023.7025.00
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