Our Top Stories from 2024
Our editorial team chose the best stories we published this year
In 2024 9 Millones tripled the amount of articles published and expanded its collaborations—both with other newsrooms as well as independent journalists. Our work always highlights communities and movements that inspire action. These stories are evidence not only of our progress as a newsroom, but also as a nation.

How Puerto Ricans are Collectively Designing their Just Recovery

Puerto Rico never fully recovered from Hurricane María, and it is communities that are leading the reconstruction efforts. This story, written by Carlos Berríos Polanco, highlights how organization La Maraña uses participatory design to support a just recovery. This article won the National Journalism Prize 2024 of the Puerto Rico Journalists Association, in the written press special feature category.

Amid lack of services, this organization is supporting cancer patients in Vieques

An organization in Vieques supports cancer patients during their treatment, showing the power of solidarity amidst an under-resourced health system. This audiovisual feature by Camille Padilla Dalmau, Lymarie Rodríguez and Laura M. Quintero won the Journalistic Excellence Prize from Overseas Press Club Puerto Rico, in the multimedia journalism human interest category.

Universal health care may drive the vote in Puerto Rico

In collaboration with Harvard Public Health Magazine, Camille Padilla Dalmau analyzed how the Alianza de País challenged traditional politics with a progressive health care proposal. With survey estimates revealing that 46% of Puerto Ricans consider health their main concern, and 62% supporting Medicare for All, it’s worthwhile to ask ourselves if this topic impacted the election results. What has history taught us?

What is really at stake in the Legislature in the 2024 Elections?

The New Progressive Party’s (PNP, in Spanish) government program, along with those designed by minority parties, will require action by the Legislature during the next term. Sofía Rico and Joseph Torres, from Política Accesible, collaborated with 9 Millones to study parties’ responses to some of the problems that the archipelago faces, such as the energy crisis in Puerto Rico, corruption, and the lack of access to health services.

Rescuing a centuries-old tree: how the Viequense community has protected the Ceiba Tree Park

A community came together to save the tree that multiple generations have seen as a symbol of resistance. Diana Ramos Gutiérrez, our community reporter in Vieques, not only rescued this story, but also narrated what the La Ceiba Community Project is doing to preserve it for future generations.

Without a seat at the table, but not without a voice: Puerto Rico at COP29

Although Puerto Rico lacks official representation, community leaders presented our struggles to achieve climate justice in an international scenario. Carlos Berríos Polanco was in Azerbaijan to cover the 29th Conference of the Parties (COP29), which was convened by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and he put into perspective the events that occurred there.

The Challenges to Protect Puerto Rico's Vote on Election Day

In the first collaboration between 9 Millones and Centro de Periodismo Investigativo, Carlos Berríos Polanco explained the disadvantages that exist when recruiting the maximum of 17,244 election officials needed for Election Day. Will this be something that the people will like to change in the future?

Activists and an expert in democracy debate over the importance of reimagining citizen participation within a colonial context. Our editor, Laura M. Quintero, and our founder, Camille Padilla Dalmau, worked on this article for Yes! Magazine, which also aims to reflect: Is the United States truly democratic?

Communities lead coastal restoration in San Juan

Citizen-led initiatives are taking the lead in environmental restoration efforts, to face challenges such as government bureaucracy. Through the Coalición para la Restauración de Ecosistemas Santurcinos (CRES), they are sowing local plants and recovering vital coastal areas for local communities. Diana Ramos Gutiérrez covers these efforts in this story.

A Boricua in Gaza: "There is a direct connection with our struggle"

A Puerto Rican in Gaza shares his experience in an interview with Carlos Berríos Polanco. His story highlights the similarities between Puerto Rico and Palestine when it comes to the struggles for self determination and social justice.
Other achievements from this year:
Prize for our community engagement
9 Millones developed a community engagement methodology that was awarded by LION Publishers in their Independent News Sustainability Summit in Chicago. This process started in 2023, when Liza Morales, Frances Medina and Camille Padilla Dalmau created a community outreach strategy for our organization. Shoutout to the Vieques Film and Human Rights Festival and its director, Diana Ramos Gutiérrez, and the Vieques Women Alliance, with which we collaborated to create a series of listening sessions and journalism workshops. To read more about our community outreach model, click here.
Press Forward grant
Our newsroom is one 205 small newsrooms that received a grant from Press Forward, a movement in the United States dedicated to strengthening communities via the revitalization of local news.
Electoral Coverage
We reached a milestone in our electoral coverage, publishing 10 stories focused on educating the youth on how to obtain their voter ID and how to vote. We reached over 350,000 people. Maintaining this work rhythm was possible thanks to a grant from María Fund, in collaboration with Mentes Puertorriqueñas en Acción y La Escuela de Liderazgo.
New website and subscription launch
This year, we redesigned our website and added more ways for people to support us. See them here. To keep growing we need your support!